Membership Upgrade
Members Section

The AES-LA Section wants to thank you for your continuing membership in the Audio Engineering Society and, through your annual subscription, your ongoing support of its various activities. We notice, however, that some of our valuable stakeholders are Associate Members rather than Full Members.
As an AES Full Member, you would be able to stand for open positions on the Society's Board of Governors and its Executive Committee, in addition to voting for the slate of candidates in the regular mid-summer elections. In addition, you would be able to participate more fully in the AES Conventions and Technical Conferences.
It is easy to upgrade your associate membership at no additional cost to you. Simply print out and complete the information within linked form, and then bring it to our next LA Section Monthly Meeting. If you live outside of Los Angeles, or are unable to travel to section meetings, you can mail the completed form to our Post Office Box:
AES Los Angles Section
Membership Committee
P.O. Box 8343
Mission Hills, CA 91346.
Three members of the current AES-LA Executive Committee will review the details and then provide the references required on page 2 of the form.
That's all you need to do. We will mail the upgrade application form to the AES New York headquarters to request a change of your membership status.
We would like to encourage you to attend AES-LA Section monthly meetings and become as actively involved with its activities as your busy schedule allows. It is a great way to network with other audio professionals in the area, and to further extend your knowledge of audio technologies and techniques. Please check out the newsletter tab for past topics and activities.
Best regards,
Greg Griggs, Chairman
Greg Griggs, Chairman
Mel Lambert, Membership Committee Chairman